As  corporate scandals continue to make headlines, ethics and compliance programs become a “must” in all companies.  SaarGummi’s management, with the addition of Leticia Lizardo and the creation of the Legal and Compliance global function, is putting the accent on Compliance.

A new Code of Conduct will be the cornerstone for the upcoming SG Group Compliance program that is being rolled out worldwide.

As explained by Leticia Lizardo, Group General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, who leads the program:

"We are launching the Global Compliance Program. We are starting with the roll out of the new Code of Conduct in all countries. The program will consist in informing all our employees of SaarGummi’s ethical values that are to be applied every day. For that purpose, we have developed a compliance campaign to create awareness, train our personnel and provide them with the means to report any concern."

The Code of Conduct has been translated into eight working languages of the SG Group and can be easily accessible at the SG Group website: SaarGummi Code of Business Conduct

As part of the compliance campaign, training sessions in all plants will be organized or are currently ongoing. In addition, the awareness campaign will feature announcements, newsletters,  posters, brochures and on-screen infographics in all plants on different compliance subjects.

A special compliance logo has also been created and the corporate theme enhanced: “sealing the future with integrity”. It is easy to recognize and its display shows the Group’s commitment to abide by its ethical values and principles at the workplace.


SG corporate communication:
Copy & visuals: Matthias Held, mapmovingstory GmbH
Photos: Dawin Meckel, Ostkreuz